WhateverJS Blog

TemplateRef projection with Context in an Angular Component

January 12, 2020 - 3 min read
← Reusable Angular Material Input Autocomplete form control

In a previous post, I wrote a reusable Component which uses an Angular Material Autocomplete and an Input. In this component, when the user types at least 3 characters (by default) a search is triggered to retrieve some options (options where their labels match the typed text), the options displayed are force to fit the option’s layout I wrote in the component. I found interesting the idea of using an embedded template to render a custom layout that uses other option’s attributes (not only the label text).

Basically, the benefits of this is to provide a way of customizing the option’s layout displayed by the Autocomplete Component which can be translated as better UX.

Before starting I will ask you to open the following link > Stackblitz - Reusable Angular Material Input Autocomplete form control with custom Option’s layout where you will find the working example. Along this post I will describe briefly the approach I took and my reasoning about some decisions.

User Story

As User When I search X product by its name I want to see other attributes regarding to the product.

Consider that the User story I wrote is very very generic, this is just an example.

Developer’s decisions

  1. The template to be consumed can be passed as a component’s parameter but also can be capture from its content when is being used. I will take the later approach since I feel it is less confusing for developers, as a developer when I see that an element is written as projected content inside a component I expect it to be used only inside of it.

Option 1

<ng-template #myTemplate> </ng-template>
<component-a [optionTemplate]="myTemplate"> </component-a>

Option 2

  <ng-template> </ng-template>


  1. Might come handy to have read the previous post.
  2. Knowledge on TemplateRef and ContentChild.

Let’s Do It

Due to this post is based on a former post I will present only the small changes I did.


// Inner form control to link input text changes to mat autocomplete
inputControl = new FormControl('', this.validators);
noResults = false;
isSearching = false;

private _lengthToTriggerSearch = 3;

@ContentChild(TemplateRef, { static: false })
optionTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;

set lengthToTriggerSearch(value: number) {
 this._lengthToTriggerSearch = coerceNumberProperty(value, 0);
  1. On line 66 the component gets the TemplateRef declared inside its content.


<ng-template #optionsTemplate>
  <mat-option *ngFor="let option of options" [value]="option" class="provided">
<ng-container *ngIf="optionTemplate">
        *ngTemplateOutlet="optionTemplate; context: { option: option }"
    <ng-container *ngIf="!optionTemplate"> {{ option.label }} </ng-container>
  1. On line 28 a conditional verifies if optionTemplate exists. If it exists then it is projected inside a container with a given context object using the directive NgTemplateOutlet . The given context contains the option object.
  2. On line 34 there is still the default layout which addresses the case when the template is not present.

Component’s Usage

The usage does not change much. As described before the template must be declared inside the component and by using the let declaration it has access to the context attached.


  placeholder="Pokemon's name"
  [options]="pokemons$ | async"
  <ng-template let-option="option">
    <div class="pokemon-option">
      <img [src]="option.sprite" /> {{ option.label }}
  placeholder="SW character's name"
  [options]="swCharacters$ | async"
  <ng-template let-option="option">
    {{ option.label }} ({{option.gender}})

I hope you liked it.